December 6, 2021

Christmas Cheer As The Underbanks Is Approved – Bring On 2022!

Hello December, Christmas has definitely come early for us here at Hall & Co, we are delighted to announce we have finally had planning approved on our project at Stockport Underbanks. It has been a long slog (lots of coffee, late nights, heated discussions). Three years in the making but we did it.

For those of you that don’t know already, our plans include a mixture of 86 modern apartments and flexible workspaces (sister to our current co- working space ‘PROFOLK’.) Four sites of contemporary living and working carefully developed to enhance the character of a rapidly changing area. How exciting!!

The Underbanks area of the town centre is currently undergoing significant investment from Stockport Council to improve the public realm and being involved in the regeneration means a great deal to us. Having lived on the outskirts of Stockport for many years we have witnessed the downfall of the area and cannot wait to get our hands on it.

It’s home to an eclectic mix of independents and has a lot of historical significance, which has made it a popular destination. The sites we’ll be redeveloping are all under-used and in need of extensive redevelopment – the works will improve the area aesthetically while helping to encourage footfall. We are hoping to create a strong knit community and look forward to meeting all our new neighbours.

Time to wrap up 2021 folks, we’ve had some ups and downs along the way but we cannot wait for 2022. Wishing you all a wonderful Christmas, eat, drink, be merry, from all the team here at Hall & Co.